Dress Rehearsal
Things are coming along nicely, the big day is almost upon us. As with all big days, if its going to go well, go without a hitch it needs a rehearsal. So in they came, Prancer, and Dancer, and Comet and Cupid, Donner and Vixen, oh who ever else I lost count. Hoodies off and we began. and 2 and 3 and 4 and stop! What a shambles, if these reindeer are going to pull this off then Santa has to put down the sherry and take control, or perhaps enlist the help of another reindeer who had hit the big time and is on his way back down? Rudolph maybe?
A busy day full of lists and places to be. I love it when the NHS decide to use their resources to the benefit of their clients. Dad has a lovely consultant, and when he heard we were leaving his hospital to visit another for an x-ray he arranged for it all to happen under one roof. He is a gem. It meant we had time to do all the other jobs mum and dad had planned for me. Had to skip lunch in order to do them but none-the-less we all leave feeling happier. Unsure exactly when Christmas day is, dad is hedging his bets and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas every day - he has already told me he has had enough turkey to last him a lifetime!
I had hoped to tidy a room this evening so I could claim a little space to do a bit of yoga - I yearn for the space and ability of breathe baby breathe and meditate over her shots in order to find the inner calm. Its not happening and I think its a mug of horlicks and a hot bath then bed. Like the reindeers I am a shred tonight.
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