
By HKing

Meadows Crew

Me and two other friends met up today at the bottom of Middle Meadow Walk, where we used to meet every day at 8am to walk to school (today it was more like 1pm... we weren't going to get up that early).

We walked up to Rudi's and bought a BLT (the best in Edinburgh) and then went to the newsagent across the road to get Mango Ice Tea, so it was a traditional school day lunch. Then we ate it in Chamber Street Museum next to the Giany Train.

Then we went to the blood donor centre (where this picture is taken - the only photo I took today) to give blood but it was absolutely packed so only one of my friends ended up giving any, because she'd been before and it wouldn't take as long. But me and another friend will go back next week probably...

Then we went back to K's house and slobbed about watching Love Actually and 10 Things I Hate About You until 11. We also went to the chippy and ate out first chippy chips in three months. They were tasty but we all felt horrible and stuffed afterwards.

All in all a damn good day :)

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