
By middleman


I had some free time in the house this afternoon with just my youngest daughter and had what I thought was a great idea for a little photo session that would reference an earlier blip of mine. I also thought she might enjoy larking around with her dad and so I set about re-arranging some furniture, clearing a bit of space for us and setting up a rough idea of composition and where we could position ourselves. But, I should have known better, she decided she didn't want any pictures taken when it came to it and I was left in the kitchen by myself with everything set up ...when I saw the ears. I'm not outgoing, not an extrovert but you know, the prop was there and it seemed a shame not to put it to use. Have to admit, it was all quite good fun.

Heard an album I've not heard in a long while today, just popped into my head as an old jazz fave from years ago. Not saying it was all the beard-growing, chin-stroking jazz stereotypes in the record shop who were into it but there's a certain element of truth to that statement nonetheless. Title track from the 'Red Clay' album - Freddie Hubbard

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