Get a load of my dinner. Great huh? Individual Beef Wellingtons. Never made them before, but it seemed to go well, and I think Mr B will allow me to cook dinner again on that performance. Delicious, but rather filling. I'm actually in some pain, I'm so full, which is quite disgraceful. I've even turned down a chocolate pot. (There's still time later though.)
You'll forgive the rubbish focus I'm sure - this was a one shot deal and I didn't even check it. Just snapped and ate.
A prize of the usual glow of pride to anyone who guesses the less obvious link between tonight's dinner and blip title.
In other news, flu jab today. I'm in one of those groups defined as 'vulnerable', which makes me feel a lot more waif-like than I really am. But I'm sure the key thing a person trying to avoid getting flu needs is a 30 minute session in a packed, but nonetheless icy cold, doctor's waiting room with 40 sick people. The aircon system was working overtime to make sure I got my fair share of all the germs in the room, not just the ones from the people who actually coughed in my face.
The jab was fine, as it happens, but on the way out I decided to make an appointment for that test that every woman should have regularly, but that every woman loathes. Happily (can you see my resigned grin?) they had a cancellation and could "do" me right now. Joy.
Now off to check the forecasts and road reports and weigh up the chances of actually making it to Mam and Dad's tomorrow.
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