In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind was certainly making moan today. Cabin fever had well and truly set in so we bundled everyone up in too many clothes and headed down to the beach. Briefly, there was a glimmer of beautiful light over East Lothian, then it was gone and - with a huge crack of lightning - the blizzard set in. Interesting fact of the day: snowballs when thrown in the Firth of Forth do not melt. (No paddling today.)
Home for the hastily invented chocochinos (hot chocolate with foamy milk on top - I'm sure I'm not the first) and an afternoon in front of Oliver.
Katherine and I battled through the weather to the shops to stock up for baking tomorrow and I learned why 3 for 2 and 2 for 1 offers are not so great when you have to load everything into the rucksack and haul it home.
In more exciting news, one delivery company managed to battle here through the snow and is doing Sunday deliveries to catch up with the backlog. Bravo Citylink. (Everything else is still in Kettering.)
EDIT: baking backblip for yesterday is here.
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