
By BikerJim

Enjoy The Sunshine!

Come on, sit down, relax,
and warm up those ol' bones.
I know it's still early in the morning and cool out,
but that sunshine will warm you up in no time!
Hows about a hot cup o' joe?

Couldn't resist this image.
I get cold just looking at all your pictures
of ice sickles and snow storms,
as beautiful as they are!

So, if I get cold looking at your pics,
maybe you will get warm looking at mine!
Makes sense to me! :oP

I took this shot 6' off the ground, on a ladder.
It really add something to the perspective,
give it a try!
Of course, be careful!!!
While up there I dropped my camera, gaul dang it!
No sense in hurrying down and breaking a leg.
So I just stayed up there for a few moments, contemplating my,
um, stupidity.
Also thought about that new camera I've been wanting!
Christmas Present!!!
Well much to my relief, and disappointment,
the camera survived the drop. Whew! Darn!
Maybe next time!

As usual -

"Constructive Criticism Is Welcome"

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