The Bay

It a pretty crappy photo taken on a pretty crappy day.

I made a snap decision to go fishing this morning. Jo made a snap decision to come with me. In the time it took me to prepare the boat and hitch it up the wind had started to pick up. We persevered and by the time we were half way over the Green Island I was beginning to have second thoughts. Then a spider that has been hanging around in my boat came out of its hiding place onto the bimini right above our heads. That was too much for me. It was struggling to hang on and I didn't fancy a spider falling on my head.

So, after a bit of wrangling, Jo (yes Jo) got it into one of my bait buckets and put the lid on. If there is one thing I am really afraid of it's spiders.

So that pretty much did it for us. The rain started to come down harder so we headed straight back to Manly Harbour without wetting a line! I had a quick chat to one another fisherman at the boat ramp and he confirmed what I suspected. The fish aren't biting anyway. We have just had waaaay too much rain. I might as well have gone fishing in fresh water. As I type the rain is still pissing down.

At least the boat got a bit of a run.

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