occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

get your ducks all in a row

day after thanksgiving.. hunting with my dad, kendall, and my darling niece, evie. she's 7. she shot a shotgun for the first time this morning.
we thought she would be upset by actually shooting a duck, but surprisingly, she was not bothered by it at all.
i had hoped to have a shot of the burlesque turkey from the day before thanksgiving, but he/she/it was already carved by the time i got into the kitchen the next morning. maybe christmas we'll do it again.
this particular morning i finally had enough of people thinking i am ten years younger than i really am. granted, it was FREEZING this morning with the wind at full force.. so i was wearing several pairs of pants+windbreakers over my jeans and oversized camo t-shirts..
scenario: in the blind, i was sitting next to the hunting guide and his bird dog. after evie had shot the shotgun with her dad helping her, the guide asked if she wanted some duck blood on her face. evie looked at him like he was nuts and said no. so after i had shot a couple of ducks, he asked me the same thing. i laughed and said i didn't need that, but thanks.
to which he replied, "what is it with kids these days??"
-um, excuse me? "how OLD do you think i actually am?"
he said 13.. maybe 14.
awesome. i'm 25.
that was the last straw. i definitely have more baby fat in my cheeks than i need right now. so now rigorous working out will ensue. i'd just like to look 20 at least.

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