
By heraldino

Alveus XII

Bad Upsetting news: - Sending the wrong message

Even though I advocate second chances for individuals who show remorse for their crimes, I'm with Jane on this one. Granted, Michael Vick served his time in prison for his unthinkable cruelty but I fail to see how a two year prison term could have rehabilitated him from such a serious lack in judgment and compassion. Getting hired back as a football star by his team shows the lack of integrity and rampant greed present in football organizations and should be reward enough for having served his time. The thought of a judge granting him permission to own a dog makes me ill.

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Good news: - Deserving of their own space

The horror of poaching for black market bush meat is never quite offset by stories of triumph and compassion such as this. In a world where the suffering of humans takes center stage the majority of the time, it is encouraging to find news of brave individuals who dedicate their lives to the conservation of a species other than the one solely responsible for the disappearance of so many.

hive complete

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.


100 days of upsetting news, balanced a bit by good news.

As mentioned in my profile, my plan is to do a year of news and see if there is any decline in bad news or increase in good news. As far as the source of the news: headliners are just that, headliners, they naturally don't include the thousands of smaller stories that can be uplifting. Some days the headliners don't offer up much in the way of positive news because news organizations still believe that murder, mayhem and disaster makes better news than good news.

The last three twelve-day series, eclipse , daedalus and alveus were fun experiments. Each grouping was shot over a period of twelve days, with multiple and varied images, objects and locations every day; the idea being that a series of twelve with appropriate date information could be extracted and collaged into a interlocking thumbnail puzzle that emerges when the series is tagged and searched. Needles to say, it's a lot of work and caused a lot of back blipping because the image shuffling took so much time. Some images have been stretched and skewed to make them fit the template, causing some to not stand alone well, but that can be improved with planning a series further ahead, location scouting, working out the puzzle and returning for higher resolution shots on the actual day.

I've enjoyed doing this and will continue, perhaps taking a break from the 12 day puzzle concept and focusing on individual images.

Thanks Blip for creating and maintaining this great space on the web.

Heraldine Headliner

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