
By heraldino

Alveus XI

Bad Upsetting news: - An eye for an eye

Over the decades, the number of states in the US that have death penalty statutes have fluctuated, currently standing at 37. This story had me contemplating the controversial question whether the death penalty is humane or not. When it comes to death by electrocution or hanging I would say definitely not, but when a convicted murderer can peacefully fall asleep, never to wake up again, much like a beloved pet when put down, I'm more inclined to think that a harsher punishment would have been life behind bars with no chance of parole. There is no evidence that the fear of the death penalty deters violent crimes and often the tax dollars spent to appeal and re-appeal the case of someone on death row, far exceeds that which would be spent housing a criminal for life in a maximum security prison.

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Good Music-to-my-ears-news: - Go ahead, disappear

Forgive me if this news doesn't have me crying long tears over the slow disappearance of hunting. If states have counted on the income from hunting licenses to fund conservation efforts, then it's time to get a bit more creative. To the experts who whine about how deer populations will explode and how herds will suffer starvation because not enough grazing is available in winter, I say: find a humane way to render certain breeding males or females sterile, it can't be that difficult. And if your scientific intellect fails you, send professional sharp shooters and hunters in annually to cull the suburban herds and distribute that meat to the millions of underprivileged families in this country. I won't shed any tears for knowing that come hunting season, the woods won't be overrun by local yokels in fluorescent orange who couldn't hit a beer can on a fence post if they were standing two feet from it. A reduction in the news stories of accidental shootings but mostly, having the frequent wounding of animals because of a lack of skill stop, will be a welcome change.

hive complete on Dec 17

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