
By dsyglsy

I ventured...

...into the big smoke today and raced round town like that benny hill sketch (complete with music) trying to finish my christmas shopping and buy a dress for a party. I managed to get loads, but no dress... I have decided to embellish an existing one. It'll be fine...

the roads are very slippy - but not as slippy as the pavements with ugg boots on...I nearly fell on my bum about 5 times today ~ I'm sure this amused many pedestrians walking behind me...but I'd had enough by that point.

this pic is of the beautiful union terrace gardens and railtrack that runs along side them right in the centre of aberdeen...some idiots are trying to concrete over all this and make way for more shops and car-parks. is nothing safe from dodgy old geezers with loads of cash? I wish I was loaded so I could just pay sir ian and trump to f off...

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