
By dsyglsy

the christmas play...

we went to see beth in her school play tonight. she was in the chorus, and is not even in this pic...she's like her mother - a behind-the-scenes kinda gal. but the best behind-the-scenes gal!

I wonder if any of the girls will be happy on stage in front of crowds, like their dad - none are showing any signs of this. peggy refused to dance in front of the mums at her ballet show last week and walked round the hall with her arms folded, glaring at me occasionally. daisy won't even entertain going to such a thing as ballet...she's more of a so-behind-the-scenes-that-she's-still-at-home-watching-telly-in-her-jammies-having-forgot-to-turn-up kinda gal. but who knows what they'll be like when they're older...

anyway, the play was great - and betty's ace, I'm a big fan.

waiting for b to return home from his gig in the tunnels with martin stephenson tonight...he loves being on stage, the bloody show-off.

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