Dear Santa.....

....I wud like

1) a camra
2) space wolvs lukas the trikster
3) space wolevs irn priest
4) a wii

(Interesting that Owen was able to spell 'priest' correctly in a car crash of mis-spelling that was his letter to Santa this evening)

This'll probably be the last year he keeps up the pretence of believing for our benefit; I've no doubt the older brother of his school chum has spilled the beans ages ago. Anyway, Owen's doing a very good act of pretending to believe....he might just be hedging his bets by believing and disbelieving at the same time?

I suspect the letter from Santa shall go something like this;

Dear Owen,
Thanks for your letter asking for lots of lovely gifts and I'm very surprised to see a Nintendo Wii on there...........not a chance.

Love Santa.

p.s. The ducks came back (temporarily)

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