A time for everything

By turnx3

Shadows across the snow

We had a little more snow overnight, leaving us with a total of 3-4 inches, but also much colder temperatures. Fortunately, the road crews had been keeping on top of it, so by the time I went to church for our Advent study at 10am, the roads were fine. We were missing a few people, but it was still a decent turn-out and a good session. I walked out of church into beautiful sunshine and a gorgeous blue sky, so I took some shots around the church grounds. We are blessed by having a lovely outlook at the back of the church over a small lake, but this shot of the tree shadow falling across the snow is the one I finally chose for today's blip. Next stop was the Post Office to mail a couple of packages - not the best of timing as there was quite a long line! I had planned on going to the gym in the afternoon, but once I was in my nice warm house, I went off the idea! Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

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