
By heraldino

Alveus IV

Bad Depressing news: - A personal stake

I have begged some very close relatives for years to give up the habit. Despite what has been known about the harmful effects of tobacco, they continue. This sheds a whole new light on it though, the fact that cutting back isn't good enough, that my health is truly affected whenever I spend time around them. I feel a great deal of anger toward the cowardly tobacco companies, who continue to churn out, even adding chemicals to "enhance" their disgusting products. In the end, it does come down to choice and breaking an addiction through sheer will and determination, which none of my relatives have chosen to do.

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Good Heartening news: - Small victory

For some, it may seem like an unimportant one. With all the challenges that people all over the world face, why would one care about the fate of a few gorillas? Simple; it is one thing to knowingly overuse and destroy our own surroundings because of poor environmental management practices, greed and shortsightedness but these creatures who dwelled here long before us don't deserve to be pushed out, exploited and become extinct because of us. Their lives carry just as much weight as ours.

hive complete on Dec 17

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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