This day

By snapper

Home time

Spent this morning plootering about the West End looking for a drum machine for #1 son to plug into his amp, could we find one! Hopefully one of the town shops will have one in by nexct week , if not then he will go for something else. He has a very bad memory and the other day said not to get him a drum machine as he had though of something else. "what ? " I asked. "can't rmember " came the reply and you are meant to work with that!
Anyhows got one or two things , as there are only us left we dont have many people to purchase gifts for and the main thing is that we are together and to hang with all this commercialism! Ventured into the city centre yesterday and you would have thought Armageddon was on its way, oflks rushing here and there just about trampling you into the icy pavements.

I reckon the coming Jan sales will be the best time due to everyone trying to beat the vAT rise so watch this spot. Anyhow clotheswise the stuff in the shops is junk and I hate the way they dictate colours, can you find yellow? no its all boring greys, black browns, I dont want to buy clothes that resemble bowel movements! I want nice bright stuff! Pesky so called fashion experts! So to make up for it, here is a picture of nice colourful Inveraray town

Ba Humbuggers to them all

Have a nice evening all ye colourful blippers

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