Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Office party yesterday - and a great time was had by all. We shall gloss over the Doug incident

Backblip of Nicki

Nicki and I have worked together for 10 years. For seven of those ten, I was the IT geek in the basement and so didnt really interact with the rest of the team. We did different things which mere mortals had no understanding of. 3 years ago that all changed and Nicki is now part of my team.

She is a lovely lady, a bit pink and fluffy for my liking. I do try to empathise when she tells me her favourite lipstick is no longer being stocked and she has spent the night sourcing it from the States...honest!

She has no children of her own but is the best mum in the world to Joe....little b**ger that he is from time to time (he is also a very good lad at heart - he gets it from his auntie)

Nicki is even more organised than me, her lists surpass mine. She has coloured pens! We share our OCD tendencies - I have my loo in the office with the loo roll hung correctly and she has hers. If I have to visit her loo I respect her wrongness. There is only one way to hang loo roll, right?

We work well together - have a laugh, a moan and get on with it. Perfect!

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