Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Early Morning

At last the snow is melting (though we have warnings of more to come) The birds will be glad of a short reprieve no matter how short lived it is. When we were out driving at the weekend you couldn't help but notice how many birds were risking life and limb looking for food on the roads. The back garden has also been a haven over the cold snap for a wide variety of birds.

These wee critters on the hillside this morning were forming there own little murmur, swooping up, down and around. A bit far away to catch in much detail sadly. Perhaps lending weight to the need for another lens for the proper camera :)

Tomorrow is the office into the office early to make sure that everything will happen as planned. if you don't hear from me by Saturday, can you arrange for someone to check the stationery cupboard :)

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