
By dogwithnobrain

He rocks in the tree tops all day long ..

Birdies are nurtrients of the soul.

We watch them soar above, and we listen to them sing.

They give us a sense of freedom and flight, and make our hearts bounce with their beautiful songs.

This Robin heard me tell another Blipper than I am unable to catch a picture of a bird on a branch - all I get are blurs, and empty branches.

He sat on Boy's Tree at the end of the Garden. The tree Boy planted from a fir cone seed. It now stands over 17 ft tall, and represents all that Boy is growing up to be.

I ran for the camera and just hoped that Robin would stay there long enough for me to not only get the camera, but get the zoom on and capture him.

As I came back and captured a few blurry shot of him, as he hid at the back of the tree, and thought, no it's not going to happen. He flew towards me and sat on a branch not six feet away from me.

He posed beautifully, enquired that I had got the required shot, and then took off happy that he had achieved today's good deed.

He had to leave quickly else Beanie Bear might have had a early Christmas Bird!

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