
By dogwithnobrain

My everlasting love

When you meet someone and fall in love your heart puffs up.

When you have a baby your heart puffs up a little more.

You get pregnant again and you think, can I love someone else as much, and oh my goodness your heart expands a little more and you have so much love inside you it's amazing.

Then you get pets. And you grow to love these little furry people just as much as your babies.

We had Garp and Rue for 18 and 19 years and then they both died and we were heartbroken, but the love didn't disappear and my heart didn't get smaller.

I didn't think my heart would mend - two years after we lost Garpie and Rue, along came Beanie and Beau.

And heavens above, if my heart didn't puff up even a wee bit more.

The truth is everyone has immeasurable love inside them and it will keep growing as long as you live.

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