Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

say cheese...........

no? well screw you then. miserable paps.
well todays blip is not my best shot of the day but i felt i had to post it. i mean it's not often i'll get to take shots of the paparazzi as they are taking shots themselves.
as i was walking around temple (london) today i noticed this ravenous bunch hanging around outside the royal courts of justice. i thought something big must be happening so i hung around for a bit beside the bbc film crew waiting to see what or more who they were all waiting for.
so i rattled of a few shots while i was hanging about (got a few of the broadcast. i recognised the correspondent but i'll be damned if i can remember his name. (slighlty ginger dude with glasses) anyway got fed up with them and moved over beside this rabble. by the way 11 people were involved in this outside broadcast for the beeb! i mean c'mon. really? at least four of them appeared to be researchers who kept running back and forward with "no new information." nice to know our licensing money is being well spent.
so as i said i moved over beside the paparazzi to wait with them. (still having no idea who to expect)
so i started taking a few shots again. omly to attract the attention of the boys in blue. in this case a boy and girl in blue. i mean really, all these guys standing around with cameras taking pictures and you want to know why i'm taking pics! muppets, do i really look like a terrorist mastermind or a crack assassin?
so when i went to leave this old dude appeared at the court steps and this lot went into a frenzy. good job this guy wasn't an epileptic with all the flashes going off in his face. so i too a couple of shots of the paps while they took theirs.

i still have no idea who the guy was or what the case was.

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