Displacement activities

By Detritus

Another home based dog blip.

Today I feel awful. My wife feels awful. My son feels awful. My daughter feels awful.

Lilly, the only healthy one, didn't even thank me for exhausting myself walking her. At one point I doubted I could make it home.

Here she rests, as usual, snuggled in her blanket and all cosy, with not a care in the world. Her nose being buried is typical of her. When she was a day old, it was impossible to get a picture of her - every time the puppies got together she would burrow her snout underneath. Now, aged seven, it's rare to see her asleep with her snout out. If invited onto the sofa, it ends up in the blanket, or thrust underneath the nearest leg (our's or her's).

The rest of us? Retiring to bed with a cocktail of meds. What price a good nights sleep?

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