jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Two minutes to go...

... and he's asleep.

It's been one of those days. Actually started out well: when Steve left early for work, Ben didn't wake up!! and we had a lovely lazy start. Eventually got out of the house (after taking a few just-in-case pictures of Ben playing with his cars - I like them a lot, they are here, here and a particularly nice portrait here. (That last one looks like he posed. He didn't: he glanced my way for a split second and I managed to finally get the focus in the right place AND press the shutter release at just the right time. It was fleeting.

Anyway we headed off up to Steyning (via the service station for diesel) to give Steve a caramel shortbread that he'd left at home, and to go to my favourite butchers and greengrocers. Did a few bits at work while I was there and sent some stuff home to myself to work on tonight if I stay awake. Bought a couple of pies and saw Steve and almost forgot to give him the shortbread and went off to sainsburys for a promised hot chocolate in the cafe. Only, we got there, said yes to the guys washing cars, went to the cashpoint for cash to pay them and - no cash in the account. OH NO. Tried the credit card, apparently I can't take cash out with that card. Tried the other credit card but I have a 6 months expired card in my wallet - that's how often I use that one. What am I going to do? I had £2.75 in my wallet and the car wash cost £7.... Thankfully Steve had a brain today and extended our overdraft for a month. During that time I decided that we'd go and see how much the promised hot chocolate cost and we had just enough :) Ben's crisis at least got averted, he was getting upset that we might have had to go home without going to the cafe at least!

It's been a very expensive couple of months - car got serviced, got winter wheels and tyres for it, got one of the keyfobs for the car replaced, bought tiles for the bathroom, done a fair bit of work on the house, paid the mortgage as usual but that's a fair bit as well, it's been expensive. And then Christmas on top of all that. Everything adds up and then suddenly you find yourselves a week away from payday and nothing left :( It's a horrid horrid feeling and one that thankfully we don't experience too often.

Anyway. The photograph. After all that, and not having had any lunch because I'd not though everything was going to take quite so long, and Ben not having had his usual afternoon nap, we got back in the car to go home, Ben was singing and chatting away, and two minutes to go before we got to our house - bam he fell asleep.

Just typical. So he had a snooze in the car while I unloaded, then I just gave up and snuggled on the sofa with him for half an hour while I should have been getting ready to go for our swimming lesson. We were 10 minutes late, but he made up for it by being great fun in the pool :)

Am just shattered now though. No break today, no downtime while he napped. Just go go go all day, boinging from one thing to the next. Not getting a chance to eat properly, just grabbing things on the hoof, as it were. Ben's gone to bed late because dinner was late because nobody could move very fast when we got home (apart from Ben, obviously, who just bounces and bounces until he collapses) and my bath is running.


I will see you all later on, once I've got all the chlorine off me.

Glass of wine? Oh yes please, that would be lovely....

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