In Tru Life

By TruLife

Another Bath Baby Blip!

This is the best time to photograph my little baby as she can't go anywhere! So I take a lot of pictures there! I'm sure she'll thank me for it when she's older!! ;-)

Another day in the house and I'm really hoping the snow gets to melting now as I want to get back to my life! All I do at the moment is school pick ups and drop offs, although my neighbours are all clubbing together to take turns and look after the babies! I am becoming a bit of a home buddy which isn't like me! The snow is pretty though so I can forgive it!

Madeleine did manage to get back to trampolining this evening and she needed the exercise big time! She also enjoyed her Christmas lunch at school! That reminds me, I need to get organised with the tree and cards and presents and wrapping paper and.......

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