In Tru Life

By TruLife

He Loves To Watch Me Cook!

And this is exactly how Pepito sits as he watches me from the kitchen stool while I cook. I don't know why but he loves to, and it's not for the scraps as he hardly ever takes any! He's quite fussy about what he eats although isn't one of those cats who goes off his cat food and you need to keep changing. He's pretty happy with his half sachet of Whiskas and his bowl of Iams. But for some reason he loves being with me while I cook. He sits and looks so relaxed and sometimes his eyes close as he is so chilled although not sleeping. If I do baby-talk to him as in "oh Pepito you're such a lovely cat, yes you are!" he purrs like crazy and he looks like he's in ecstasy! Lol. He is the loveliest pet I've even had and I love his personality. He's fun, funny, kind and loving.

Today hubby was around a lot more than usual again as the snow is keeping him away from the office and I love it... I wish there were more afternoons/evenings when he was about, I just love it! Floriana took one step today as I recreated the slipping off the chair scenario and she smiled as she knew what I was doing. I could tell we connected and she was thinking "oooh can I do it again Mummy?" as she smiled and tried to toddle... very sweet!

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