Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Time for a wee rest from the Sunrise/Sunsets of the past few days :) Thats not to say both weren't absolutely lovely again today. Still below freezing all day but with the promise of a thaw in the offing.

I spotted these berries as I was out walking to the village shop for a few "essentials" I thought they looked festive and gave a nice shot of coulour against the never ending sea of white.

A bit further down the road I met an older man. I tipped my hat, as you do, and wandered on. I was just about to take a few pictures of the snowy rooftops of some houses when I heard someone shout "excuse me". It was the man I had just passed.

We walked towards each other and he asked if I was a photographer. I managed to stifle a chuckle and muttered a reply about being a keen amatuer who had just recently taken it up as a hobby. "Thats great" he replied. "I am the president of the St Andrews photographic society. You must come and join us and learn a few techniques and meet some others like yourself" Funny old world isnt it when you get your camera out. Who knows I may take him up on his invite come the spring

On another matter I am relieved to note that my good friend Peopletwitcher has managed to get her Robin photo. I was beginning to fear for her sanity ;)

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