Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Honey's bed

Today I picked Tatum up from her afterschool "webkinz" class - they made a wooden bed for this little fluffy dog and painted it green. (It came home wet, in a plastic bag.) She wanted to pose with it at school for the blip today so --here tis. Later tonight at dinner she says "I'm going to blip my bed today", lays it on the rug,(fortunately it was dry by now!) takes the picture with her Dad's iphone, and click click click, it was done. All herself. Less than 2 minutes total. I like her picture better than mine (she's 7) but I was told which one to use. ("and it would be too weird if we both used the same picture" - besides being against the rules...) You can check it outhere The gate is to keep Fiona from the stairs...

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