Journey's end...

... and travels to come...

Boats tied up beside the loch. Not much evidence of water around them and as the tracks show, even the local birds have been having trouble finding it.

Was ever so slightly worried when I was taking the image that I might just be able to show them the way. The snow was very deep and it was difficult to see exactly where the bank stopped and the water started. Didn't go in (I'm a real wimp when it comes to being an adventurous photographer), although one guy taking pictures of a wedding did end up on his rear end in a pile of snow for his trouble.

Anyway, today is a bit of a landmark for me. It's not a real thing, but it just sort of feels that way. Today I've well and truly passed the first half century (EEK times X to the power n, where n equals infinity plus one) and I've put 600 blips behind me. That's the journey that is over, am now wondering what comes next...

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