Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Wild weather outside

Its wild outside isn't it!

I had booked off today and Monday as days off with the plan to use up my holiday allocation rather than lose it. Little was i to know that this would be the weather. I had to head out of the house pre-9am today to do a couple of things, but I wasn't really prepared for the weather I was to encounter. Even with my huge Timberland Hoody and a fleece on I was cold walking the streets of Edinburgh and there got a point I was sick of feeling cold so holed myself up in S's office till she finished at 11:30.
We had a nice lunch at Spoon before deciding that our orignal plan to see HP was a bit silly given S's naggy cough and that the cinema wouldn't actually be that warm.

So we're at home in a nicely warmed house with big cups of tea and some trashy TV. Excellent. And the snow has just started again [14.29]

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