Pride and Joy!

Our dearly beloved R jnr was elected to be one of the four male prefects for 2011! They had their Awards Evening tonight, the first one for Mountain Cambridge High! There were só many 'firsts' this year, since the school was only founded in Januray 2010! They chose a Duty Panel at the beginning of the year, but this is the very first official student council elected! We are só proud of him! .... and of course, we love him to bits!! ;-)

Please pardon the 'busy' background, but this is exactly where he stood when he opened the gifts C&R snr bought him this afternoon, they gave him a lovely pen/pencil set as well as a genuine leather wallet! He loved it!

We opened a bottle of alcohol free sparkling grape and drank a toast with Lillian, she is just as proud of him, since she started working for us on his 5th birthday, and sees him as 'her son' as well! ;-)

I expect his 'AS-levels' year to be quite a busy one! The school has grown, from a humble 23 students in January this year, to just over 100 students expected to turn up in January 2011!

Enjoy your weekend, even if you need to stay inside on account of the weather!! The Northern Hemisphere looks stunning this time of the year!! Luvvvvvv it!

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