The Mother of Storms!

Oh dear, is this me, the one who always begs for rain?

Let me explain the picture first: We started the building of a swimming pool last Thursday 26 November, but they couldn't use 'earthmoving equipment', we have walls surrounding the area where the pool must be built, they cannot bring machinery in there, which means the hole is being dug by hand!! :-(

We had quite a serious storm last night, and the hole, being dug more than halfway, had quite a lot of water in this morning! The workers had to scoop out all the water before they could dig again. They finished the whole digging operation this afternoon, even shaped the steps, which is demonstrated quite clearly in my picture for the day!

...... and guess what? Tonight we had the Mother of all Storms, I honestly haven't seen water pouring from heaven like this for many decades! The result? This hole is filled to the brim tonight! A 6mx3m hole, dug about 2m deep to provide for the concrete to be cast tomorrow, will have to be scooped dry tomorrow again! Oh my, what a catastrophe!

We are só thankful for the rain, but eisch, we should?ve built the pool two weeks ago!!

Sorry for falling behind with commenting, I will catch up soon! I had some personal health issue which will hopefully be cleared up by next Tuesday when I see a specialist and we have Joe here from Zambia as well, taking him places to show him our country, not too much time left for commenting I?m afraid! I am quite exhausted every night, ca'?t get myself to stay up later than 23:30!


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