
By spitzimixi

make a wish

in these days of austerity we can no longer afford to wish upon stars, oh no, we fish out the wish bone of the chicken and make do with that. Many people don't know that chickens have wish bones, they only know about leg bones and stuff. But, if you boil a scrawny chicken long enough you can not only make a yummy soup, you also get to access bits you don't get to with a roast...like the secret location of the wish bone.
What you have to do next is quite simple. You dry the wish bone over the fire until it's brittle. Then you and a fellow fingered being hook your little fingers (one little finger per person) around the two boney bits and try and pull the bone apart, the one who manages to break it (and, therefore, has the shortest piece hooked in their finger) gets to make a wish. And these wishes ALWAYS come true. Kind of.
It was one of my favourite things as a child and I'd totally forgotten about it til I was making chicken soup the other day. So, now I can pass on a family tradition to my children :-)

Thanks for the good wishes for Flea yesterday, she's been to the dentist about her teeth this morning and they might survive the knock, she'll have to have some work done on them though. And we went to the doc's this afternoon to get the rest checked out and she had to have a tetanus injection. She's really, seriously scared of needles so it was a traumatic experience for us all. And I had to drive around for three hours in 'wintery conditions' - some great skids :-/ Glad to have snow tyres and 4X4!

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