good morning sunshine

it was a very pretty start to the day today. This is Bestfriend coming to pick Shish up so they can cycle to school together. They are very nearly the same age (one month difference) and have been best friends since they were two - we didn't live here before then, if we had, they'd have been best friends from then on.
I had a very busy day getting all kinds of things done, some more tedious than others.
After school, the two girls played here together and that was great fun as usual - they had me in fits of laughter. Their imagination is totally nutty and their made up songs that used to go "poopy poopy, bum" are getting so rude that I have to intervene at times (whilst hiding laughter)
Anyway, today we are happy to say that Mr. Spitzi has his Master of Education in the bag and is now qualified to talk about school stuff endlessly. It's not the end of the road yet but it is a rather comfy motorway service station a bit more than half-way along. Er....if that makes any sense at all? We'll probably celebrate properly at the weekend.
But, before that, we have The Return of the Pig tomorrow. It's will be a bit like The Return of the King just without the fairies and the good looking guys with big swords.....

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