With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

A higher perspective

I am completely overwhelmed by the number of you who looked in at yesterday's 500th blip. Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and encouragement over the last year and a bit. It means mountains to me.

I'm sorry I couldn't thank everyone personally. I really didn't get to flash my balloons (!) about much, as I went out for dinner last night and have had a very busy day again today. The rabbit was delicious by the way (with onions), preceded by battered artichokes, tortilla, rocket, courgette and cheese salad, and then an amazing fish rice soup. Mallorquin cooking and hospitality at its best. A cracking night up the hillside, and I did spare you all a thought.

Today was full of talk and tennis. I managed to get some serves going and despite a slightly achy hip, am coping pretty damn well with a bit of activity. No running though. I talked to a face I've known for a while, but not spoken too. Music to my ears. Fascinating. And happy birthday Mike.

Ben had a friend round to play (and do their homework, which they were so business like about, thank heavens) and orisit came to book her flights back to Bonny Scotland. She's getting the flat really sorted, but still waiting for the internet. There were three other children somewhere in the house at the time of this shot. All safely fed, watered and puddinged later.

I have subsequently had a couple of conversations this evening, and it seems I am in danger of teaching in a school again. Part of me is bristling with good intentions and excitement, part of me a bit worried I might overdo it.

I have gained a different perspective on things recently, and can reassess my life at the drop of a hat. Which one of these people am I? Teacher, writer, mother, or can I possibly be all three. Oh,blipper goes without saying. Roll on the next 500. Into the valley of Blip I ride.

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