With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Bright horizon

The town was overcast and gloomy this morning, so I raced down to the port and the lighthouse to catch the bit of blue in the distance.

So 500 blips later and by the looks of this shot I don't think I've improved much, but I've learned a lot and met some fabulous people, some face to face. And I race down to the port in the morning instead of idling about.

A really interesting day, with the start of an exciting new project underway. And I'm out for dinner tonight with orisit and some Mallorquins for a bit of rabbit.

Thanks to all at Blip, everyone who looks at my pictures and those who take the time to make comments. I don't know what I would have done without you all, these last few months in particular.

This song's for my boys

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