The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Unfinished Monkey Business

Highland Council seem to have resigned themselves to the fact that the snow is not going to be going any time soon and re-opened the schools despite the freezing conditions. You could almost hear the collective sigh of relief as harassed parent packed their cherubs off to school after an unexpectedly long weekend. Unfortunately our road is still treachearous and whilst the husband was brave enough to head for work (needs must I suppose) I wasn't brave enough to attempt the trip to nursery/playgroup and so Satans Minions have scored themselves an extra snow day.

Lets just say that confinement has not had a positive effect on behaviour and the cumulative total of time spent on the naughty step is currently running at 38 minutes (fairly impressive given it's not even two o'clock) and I am having to become increasingly imaginative as I run out of separate spots to put the Minions to serve their time. I have given up keeping track of how long each of them spends where- I just sit them down and then call them back when I feel my stress levels subsiding enough not to throttle the little charmers. The language round the lunch table would make your average navvy blush and there are several black eyes maturing nicely. There was also a rather unpleasant incident with a myseterious migrating poo but I'll not sicken you with the details of that one. This was taken on a march up the hill- a vain attempt to exhaust at least some of the Minions.

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