
By middleman


School, nurseries, playgroups and all those child-education related things off again today so round to a friend's house to play for a good chunk of the day. A lovely time, four girls who all played really well together and a nice warm kitchen for grown-ups to chat in, drink coffee and watch the snow fall in the garden. Could get used to this worryingly easily.

This was all after spending the early part of the morning sorting out music, files, folders, itunes, mp3s and the like across various storage devices and deciding to delete all the music from the main computer in the house. And, even though I knew that 99% of it was all backed up in two seperate places elsewhere I still had that moment's doubt when, after right-clicking the folder containing nearly 30gb of tunes and selecting 'delete' that little dialog box popped up asking me if i was sure that i REALLY wanted to delete. Erm, yes, I think so, is there something you're not telling me ? And then, 'OK'. Relief.

Re-discovered a cracking album from a friend too, one that I'd originally bought in my record shop-working days when I used to buy pretty much every new electronica LP or 12" we got in. This was a bit of a landmark release back in 2001 in the rarified dance sub-genre that got termed microhouse. Some tech rhythms, some clicks and glitches, some typically German production aesthetics and a real sense of a completely uncompromised vision seen right through from start to finish. The album in question - Loop Finding Jazz Records by Jan Jelinek

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