
By middleman


A day of bits and bobs.

Schools and all that still closed, a morning of computer frustrations, sporadic bursts of activity in the afternoon and evening (one relaxing - swimming, one simply hard work - digging out the car from all this s**w).

Some decent listening tho' going on in the kitchen. Spurred on by yesterday's re-acquaintance with the marvellous Jan Jelinek, today it was the turn of fellow German, Stefan Betke under his Pole alias. I remember getting the second Pole album (that's the red one) and finding it revelatory, clicky and glitchy but deep and dubby at the same time, it seemed like exactly what I'd been waiting for to come along. And investigating further I found out that '2' was indeed the best of them, like he'd really honed his style to perfection on this one after testing the waters somewhat with '1' and then going on to do more of the same on '3'. So, from '2', here's 'Stadt'. I played this all the time during my Fopp days, possibly a little too much, even.

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