Good Work Undone

I was woken at six am by an idiot trying to drive through the snow in first gear with his foot hard to the floor and the valves bouncing.

He refused to listen to the 3 people trying to help him an put it in 2nd gear and use no shoe leather.
They ended up digging and pushing him all the way to the main road which took over half an hour.

So at a more reasonable hour I went out and had to clear the few inches that had fallen overnight.

My back has now seized - I have had a relaxing bath with 'relaxing mineral salts' (not convinced hey have done anything) - SWMBO has (with help) set off in the car - it is snowing again and No1 son has to go to work later.

I forsee having to go out in the snow again and do more digging and pushing to get son off and SWMBO back.


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