BMX waits for its owner

More snow on top of what was already there. As I'm writing this it's only half an hour since we had a repeat of Friday's strange conditions, with a hail shower happening at the same time as thunder and lightning. Talk about weird weather!

I'd run out of heat patches for my sore back, so had no choice but to walk to the local pharmacy to get some more. Apart from that I didn't stir out of the house (except for a quick call next door in answer to another distress call from my neighbour Susan who'd had yet another fall and couldn't get herself back up off the floor. I was in no fit shape to help here up because of my crocked back, but went in anyway in case there was someone else she wanted me to call. As it happened, she'd also phoned another (more able-bodied) neighbour who did the needful in getting Susan back into a chair. We both stayed with her for a while just to provide some reassurance.

Up until the hail and thunder and lightning happened I'd actually believed what a number of forecast sites were telling me, which was that temperatures should climb back above freezing again for tomorrow and Wednesday. Looking out right now it's hard to credit that, but perhaps I'll wake to a thaw or the snow will begin to clear during the day.

The blip? Not much, I know, but all I spotted of interest on my walk to and from the pharmacy. I didn't even know BMX's were still around, never mind that anyone wuld abandon one like this up against a wall in a snowy laneway.

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