
By willcarroll

Ode to a 4x4

If last year's snow was an exception, then this year is off the scale- already.

Last year we probably had snow as thick as it is now. But it fell over the course of 4 weeks, not three days. And it was January, not November.

James left the house at 7am this morning with the optimistic parting words "He who dares, wins!". I couldn't help but to add "...or loses".

Half an hour later, once I had finished my breakfast, I joined a growing crowd of neighbors digging, pushing, and heckling as James was stuck 20 yards from the bottom of the drive. By 8.30 we had got the van back in the driveway. Needless to say, I didn't try to emulate the trick- especially as I have my work laptop, and all the files I need for the best part of a days work at home. I might try to get to Livingston at lunch time.

But before we could all retreat inside, Craig couldn't resist rubbing it in. He was off to check out the state of the main roads with his Shogun. Can you see the bearly contained grin behind those eyes?

He returned shortly after, reporting that everywhere was impassable- Except for him and those other jammy so-and-sos with high clearance and full traction...

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