
By willcarroll

Okay, I give in...

Okay, so it's back to the snow pictures now (Best in large, because of the aspect ratio)!

I tried to get to Dunbar this morning, as I was planned to lead worship there. But the weather put paid to that. It's quite ironic, really. Consider that the theme for the worship today (and for the coming two Sundays in East Lothian methodist churches) is "Holiness and Risk". This is a focus of the Methodist Church in Scotland to encourage churches and individual Christians to ask themselves what it means to be made in the image of God (Holiness), and what it means to be called by God (Risk). The three acts of worship that have been planned for the coming weeks will explore the journeys that these people have taken though life (both alone and in community together). So it's ironic that we were thwarted today by a journey that could not be made through the snow.

Anyway, that meant that my car doesn't look like these any longer. I at least made it some of the way to Dunbar before turning back to East Calder. I was in time for church at the Church of Scotland- but I couldn't get in the door, turning up a few minutes late. I didn't want to push too hard- I have long since stopped trying to force things, as the usual result is breaking something. So I wandered up to the garden centre, chatted with the folk running the cafe whilst they were baking the day's bread and cakes. I brought a slice home to enjoy with a cup of coffee. And I brought back a loaf to dip in some soup later on.

In the mean time, I'll prepare for winter. Make sure the warm clothes are at the top of the pile. Get an extra blanket out for the bed. I was going to go to the gym, but who needs a gym when there's a foot of snow to clear from the front drive!

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