All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

"Hmmmm - think I'll go and investigate"

Ethan didn't actually crawl outside though to check out the "white stuff in the garden". Hubbie was busy shovelling snow off the decking so Ethan just sat at the door and watched him.

We have LOADS of snow in our street. We're at the end of a cul-de-sac and the 3 houses at the end often get our cars snowed in just because of the angle of our driveways and the road to our house, whereas the rest of the street isn't quite as bad. One of our newer neighbours who is at the opposite end of the street (which doesn't really have such a big problem) decided to use 3/4 of the grit in the street grit bin to clear his own driveway. How nice of him to leave the remaining 1/4 for the rest of us!

We had a quiet morning and Ethan even managed a short nap in his cot. After lunch, we popped down to The Centre as I had to exchange some items in Boots and Argos. I guess the snow had put off a lot of people venturing out as The Centre was pretty quiet, so it was a pleasant shopping experience for this time of year. I'm loving the fact we can actually buy Ethans Christmas pressies with him in tow this year. I suspect next year, that won't happen!

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