As seen by me...

By GrantR

Snow at St Giles

The assembled ranks of Edinburgh council need lined up and all given a swift kick in the tadger. After the deluge of snow stopped today, and after an hour of digging out the car I headed off to Princes Street Gardens to photograph the snow only to be met by some poor bloke from said Council sent out to shut the place up. And why? Because it was too slippy. No shit, 5 inches of snow, slippy? Who'd have thought.

Seriously though, it was obviously ok for us to drive about the untreated roads in 2 tons of car and walk around on the inches deep slush in the city centre, but too slippy in the Gardens.


Anyway, plan B put into action, here's an HDR daylight version of the St Giles shot I done at night the other day, with added white stuff.

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