L's world

By Lal

Decisions and teasers

Backblipped, purely because I forgot to post it.

Thursday was one of those days really, in college was freezing, except I'd started to feel maybe a little too hot, wrapped in my scarf and gloves for most of the day was maybe not the best of ideas, but it was warm although it did make the knitting a bit tricky. Think I'm coming down with something, headachy, sore throat, rather easily annoyed, and was providing more heat from me than the small heater in the canteen apparently, or so they told me as the all held their hands up round my face/head rather than by the radiator.

Had a bit of a mad dash to get postcard pieces done and handed in for the silent auction that's happening at college next week, tbh we all totally forgot about the date being so close, so were all pushing to get something done.

Also had a major decision to make for the secret project ;) which after seeing the above teaser trailer come together kind of got us all thinking and wondering how to go about it so it still made sense to us but fitted what we were after...thankfully after a little chat and some note taking we've got it all worked out, and we even managed to finish some outfits!

L x

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