L's world

By Lal



Well sort of since it's now after 1 am, had a day at home today, felt pretty rubbish with a headache and sore throat and apparently generating more heat than a radiator at one point during Thursday led to the decision to stay home. Not that I was productive in anyway shape or form, but I did think about what I should be doing, so guess it's a start at least.

Been hearing for the past week about the threat of snow changing from one day to another, then the disruptions its been causing throughout the uk, and here we were living in our little pocket with not a hint of snow...well not til I looked out about 10:30/11:00pm tonight that is to be greeted with a light covering of snow and it gently fluttering about, an hour later it was this, and still falling not so heavily, but sticking about none the less.

The question now is, will we get more and up with some nice deep snow we can do something with, or will it turn to the icy slushy mess we usually end up with?

Whatever you have, have fun in it, and be safe. Oh! And watch out for those snowmen, they're always worth keeping an eye on ;)

L x

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