Planko's Pics

By planko

Perth Lightnight Fireworks

Took the kids through to watch the Fireworks in Perth tonight (quite late start, at 21.00) as part of the Perth 800 celebrations.

Got a really good spot right in the middle of the bridge, just in front of where the fireworks were being set off from in the middle of the River Tay. It was like the fireworks were just above our heads and coming towards us.

Then the wind changed, and the smoke lingered in the air making it even more dramatic, and then a full on blizzard descended. I'd forgotten what watching fireworks in the snow was like...fantastic ;)

Ive tried several times this year to capture fireworks - in Florida on 4th July, then again attempted to get to Disney one night, then 5th November, and each time something came up or happened that meant i couldn't blip. I was determined nothing was getting in my way tonight!

I like the shape of this explosion, and the colour, and how it lit up the trees. The shots after this have the smoke so the trees aren't visible, then the later ones have snow spots on the lens, so decided this is the one. Not bad for my first attempt at blipping fireworks.


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