
By FauxPunk


OK, so I know I've blipped the Penarth skyline more than once before, and that one of those times it was a sunrise, but you should count yourself pretty lucky... as mostly today, i have been looking down the toilet bowl!

Woke up feeling awful at about 4AM - suffice to say I seem to have picked up a tummy bug. Can't blame Hooters, as Mathew & I had the same thing (actually shared, so couldn't be that). I had thought the man flu was returning on Tuesday night, but it didn't come to anything - I was fine on Weds, so this just came out of the blue. Am not normally a 'vomiting' kinda guy, but... well...

So anyway, went back to bed - and was up every hour on the hour after that. Phoned in sick to work at about 7.15AM, and at about 7.45 (after another game of 'guess which end') saw this outside. Couldn't NOT blip it. There's another one here.

Between bathroom trips, I managed to get the paperwork completed for Phylis, ready to post away. Later in the afternoon, started feeling a bit better, but by tea time I still didn't really want to eat. Mathew decided to get Indian for himself, as no point cooking for one, and I managed to keep down some plain rice. Exciting stuff. However, it was progress - early night tonight (by my usual standards) and I think I'll be fine for work tomorrow.

Have been invited to a work-mate's for dinner in the evening - here's hoping my stomach's up for it!

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