Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Slip Slidin' Away?

Not with these things on my Country Walkers. They make a very satisfying crunch on the ice and it's easy for me to pretend I'm on the final approach to a summit in the Cascades.

Today I realized that I hadn't played pickleball for five weeks. The last time I played was outdoors, but it's not a good game to play on ice, so I went to join my friends for a few games at the YMCA this morning. I expected to play badly after such a long absence from the game, but was pleasantly surprised by how well I played. I stayed for two hours, only sitting out one game, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I stopped at the Food Co-Op afterwards to pick up our pre-ordered Thanksgiving food (no turkey for us -- we're having one of Snorri's legs) and brought home the hot lunch special to share with C. It was breaded tofu fingers, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, and a choice of salad -- I chose the kale and wild rice.

After lunch I performed the customary tea ritual and dunked my anise biscotti in my tea. I was starting to feel sleepy and my muscles were aching from the unaccustomed exertion. Clearly, a nap was called for. My planned 20-minute nap stretched into a 90-minute sleep. I didn't have a blip planned and the light was fading rapidly when I surfaced. Inspiration came just in time -- though you might justifiably say it's not a very inspired blip.

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