Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

New Toy

This morning I was up early to take son-in-laws car into the garage.
Walking round to the house to pick up the car my knee was killing me and the back was twinging.....my body doesn't like the cold and damp.

The bill for the car was not bad........£10.58. They checked the tracking. They checked the suspension. They took it on a road test (3 times).
And what was causing the car to pull to the right ??????

HIS TYRE PRESSURES - they were all over the place.

Between that and running out of petrol the other week - I am going to get loads of digs.

It certainly gave me a smile.

What didn't give me a smile was that the water supply company were going to phine us an hour before calling at my daughters to service the heating.
We sat in all day waiting on the call that never came. SWMBO went round late afternoon and found a card through the door saying they had called at 8.40. There was also a message left on the answer machine saying they would be there in 10 minutes.

Typical bloody Brittish workmen.............can't take or follow simple instructions.

Todays blip is my new toy from Aldis'.......a graphics pad for under £30.
I might even figure out how to set up the function buttons tomorrow.

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